Leyonhjelm’s assisted suicide bill narrowly defeated in Senate

By August 17, 2018 Recent News

Sydney Morning Herald 15 August 2018
Family First Comment: Well done Australia. Great news!
Now it’s NZ’s turn.

A private member’s bill that would have cleared the way for assisted suicide to be legalised across Australia has been defeated.

The bill, introduced by Liberal Democratic Party senator David Leyonhjelm, was defeated by 36 to 34 votes after two days of impassioned debate in the Senate.

It was knocked down after Liberal senator Anne Ruston and Nationals senator Steve Martin were persuaded to vote against the bill, after initially leaning in favour of it.

“I cannot in good conscience offer my support to this bill which will provide the territories the ability to legislate in the area of voluntary euthanasia, certainly without ensuring that appropriate safeguards were in place,” Senator Martin told the Senate on Wednesday.

Politicians from both sides of politics rose to share divergent views, with many in support of the bill emphasising the rights of Australians who live in the territories to make their own laws.
READ MORE: https://www.smh.com.au/politics/federal/leyonhjelm-s-assisted-suicide-bill-narrowly-defeated-in-senate-20180815-p4zxps.html
