MPs need to hear from you today! The politicians are voting on the 1st Reading of ACT MP David Seymour’s euthanasia / assisted suicide bill tonight. No other euthanasia bill in the past has ever succeeded at the 1st Reading – and for good reason. Don’t let this one!
Please contact your local MP and all other MPs today.
CONTACT DETAILS FOR MPs – www.HaveYourSay.nz
SUBJECT LINE: Vote NO on David Seymour’s Euthanasia Bill
MESSAGE (points you could cover):
* Parliament has already considered this issue with the recent Inquiry – 21,000+ submissions – 80% opposition
* ‘Safe’ euthanasia is an illusion
* Euthanasia will remove the ‘choice’ of many vulnerable people
* Safeguards, while sounding good, would not guarantee the protection required for vulnerable people
* Promotion of assisted suicide is a message that will be heard not just by those with a terminal illness but also by anyone tempted to think he or she can no longer cope with their suffering – whatever the nature of that suffering
* Safeguards can only go so far. Coercion is subtle
* Opposition comes from disability sector, senior citizens, human right advocates, health sector, advocates for economically disadvantaged
* focus on what New Zealanders really need and want – a focus on providing the very best palliative care and support for vulnerable people, whether they are at the end of their life, or momentarily wishing they were at the end of their life
* We are voters in your electorate, and this issue is a key one for our support (if applicable)
Thank you for speaking up!
Bob McCoskrie
National Director