NZ Herald 22 September 2018
Family First Comment: Just as well euthanasia isn’t available …. yet! A classic example of why we should say #rejectassistedsuicide
On June 10 2017, Killarney Jeffares’ life flashed before her eyes.
The words, “there’s nothing we can do” echoed around her brain and she was quickly moved into palliative care.
Wills were finalised, family were present and funeral plans were put into motion. Her death was imminent.
It had been six months since she was diagnosed with rectal cancer, but an operation found it had spread.
“I knew something was wrong because it was supposed to be a seven-hour surgery and I was out after two hours,” Jeffares said.
“It was horrific. We were mourning. My children from Australia came over to visit me and we started our grieving process.”
Her husband Robert was and still is the only person who was told by the surgeon the rough timeframe of how long his wife would live for.
“It really hit home,” he said. “I won’t tell anyone. That’s one man’s opinion.”
But four days later, she was told there had been a mistake. Her samples had come back she was told she actually had ovarian cancer and all hope was not lost.
“We can never get that time back. It was quite traumatic for all of us going through that process, so we were just speechless when they told us ‘oh no, we’ve got that wrong’, she said.