Reject Assisted Suicide

Say No to Euthanasia in New Zealand

DOWNLOAD Euthanasia Factsheet 2021

EUTHANASIA is the act of intentionally, knowingly, and directly causing the death of a patient, at the request of the patient. If someone other than the person who dies performs the last act, euthanasia has occurred. Download our detailed Fact Sheet.

20 Reasons To Vote NO

Here’s 20 great reasons why you should tick the NO box in the upcoming referendum on legalising euthanasia. Nothing in the proposed law guarantees the protection required for
vulnerable people, including the disabled, elderly, depressed or anxious, and those who feel themselves to be a burden or who are under financial pressure. Don’t let New Zealand make a euthanasia / assisted suicide mistake.

We’re Speaking Up In The Public Debate

Read our Media Releases which have the common theme of opposing any attempt to legalise assisted suicide / euthanasia in New Zealand, and which call for the provision of the highest quality palliative care to be made available to all New Zealanders.

Killing Me Softly

Professor Rex Ahdar’s report on the history of the euthanasia debate in New Zealand warns of the potential for even greater levels of elder abuse if euthanasia were to be decriminalised in New Zealand.

DOWNLOAD PDF of the “20 Reasons to Vote No to Euthanasia in 2020”

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